Aurobindo Ghose was a radical freedom fighter who fled his house in Kolkata when the British came to arrest him. He settled in Pondicherry and found spiritual wisdom while meditating here. He had the vision of a place where Humanity will be celebrated and people from all parts of the world can come there and settle down.

Years later, his disciple, Mira Alfassa, popularly known as The Mother, founded the town of Auroville which came to be known as the ‘Universal Town’. In this town, people from different countries and different religious backgrounds can come and settle down. The town celebrates the unity of human beings irrespective of religion, caste, creed, politics, and nationalities. As of now, over 2000 people from about 200 different nationalities live in Auroville.

The town is circular in design converging in the centre with the ‘Matrimandir’, the centre of meditation. The very ambience of the ‘Matrimandir’ is very soothing. A green belt lies just in the outer radius of the town and there’s a beach too. The people come here in search of peace and harmonious living away from all the humdrum of crowded cities and perpetually busy people.