The riverfront structures having steps all running down to meet the river Ganga in Varanasi represent the famed ‘Ghats’. There is a total of 88 Ghats here. All the Ghats are used for religious purposes, ritual bathing as well as daily chores. Among the 88, 2 Ghats, named ManikarnikaGhat and Harishchandra Ghat are used for Hindu cremation rituals. Almost all of the Varanasi Ghats had been restored by the Maratha rulers at certain points of their respective reigns.

Those who visited the Ghats express that they had found some sort of a spiritual connection and pondered upon philosophies of life when they had sat and spent some time in these Ghats. Be it the daily mundane chores, or religious rituals or cremation activities, the ambiance of the Ghats is all about finding the deeper meaning of our lives.

When the Ghats illuminate with the help of modern lights around them, they look equally luminescent as they look when the rituals of ‘Ganga Arati’ is done on the steps of the Ghats. The tranquil Ganga with slow rippling water kissing the steps of the Ghats will calm your minds too.